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Postgres DB is already installed. I'm not using system perl I have installed another perl in '/srv/data203806/Migration/CPAN/localperl/bin'. When I'm trying to install, It is asking for PATH TO pg_config:
Please help me to install DBD::Pg? How to get path to pg_config?
7 Answers
Perl Dbd Mysql Rpm
How to install the Perl module DBI on Linux. I am no Linux, Unix, DBI or MySQL guru. Compile and install Perl DBI and DBD for MySQL.
Just ran into this issue, and on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial the package you're looking for is:
On CentOS/RH you can fix it by installing perl-DBD-Pg package with yum
From the README:
Before installing, please use the 'cpansign -v' program to cryptographically verify that your copy of DBD::Pg is complete and valid. The program 'cpansign' is part of Module::Signature, available from CPAN.
By default Makefile.PL uses App::Info to find the location of the PostgreSQL library and include directories. However, if you want to control it yourself, define the environment variables POSTGRES_INCLUDE and POSTGRES_LIB, or define just POSTGRES_HOME. Note that if you have compiled PostgreSQL with SSL support, you must define the POSTGRES_LIB environment variable and add '-lssl' and '-lcrypto' to it, like this:
export POSTGRES_LIB='/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lssl -lcrypto'
The usual steps to install DBD::Pg:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- make install
Do steps 1 to 2 as a normal user, not as root!
If the script cannot find the pg_config information itself, it will ask you for the path to it. Enter the complete path to the pg_config file here, including the name of the file itself.
If you want to use a module, read the documentation.
Before installing perl module, you must install client for accessing Postgres DB. I just install server and header files:
Fedora 29, plenv, perl v5.18.0
Once I got plenv working, I was able to install DBD::Pg with cpanm using these commands: