Modest Mouse The Moon Antarctica Rar

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Modest Mouse The Moon Antarctica Rar 3,9/5 470 votes
Modest Mouse The Moon Antarctica Rar

May 13, 2018 - 01 3rd Planet 1.mp3 7.67 MB 02 Gravity Rides Everything 1.mp3 8.32 MB 03 Dark Center of the Universe 1.mp3 9.45 MB 04 Perfect Disguise.

Modest Mouse The Moon And Antarctica Torrent


I love albums. You know, actual albums that aren't just a collection of songs. No, not concept albums. Just cohesive, whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts albums. Albums that take you places.
As far as those type of albums go, The Moon & Antarctica is perfect in every sense of the word. Each song builds off the one before it, and continues from the first song until the last. It even climaxes in the middle of the album, but doesn't disappoint through the end, either. I couldn't be more sincere when I say this is a genuine, masterful piece of art.
Isaac has always had a knack for writing good songs, but here it's focused in crystalline fashion. Before this album, the band was just jamming out tunes (and dang good ones, mind you), but here there was some serious work involved, I'm certain. I can just imagine the band in deep concentration and focus until 4 in the morning getting things right, adjusting things, perfecting things. Whether or not they didn't isn't important. What is important is that the final product makes it sound like they did.
Perhaps the moment where you realize this album is different is when 'The Cold Part' begins. It's floating, but stark and chilly atmosphere is something you never heard from these guys before. It's the beginning of an absolutely epic middle third of the album, the part that glues the rest of the album together. It climaxes with 'The Stars are Projectors,' by far my favorite part of the album and by far the best song they ever wrote. I won't ruin it for you if you haven't heard it, just know that you need to give it a listen if you haven't before. It's a far cry from the 'Float On' Modest Mouse you may be familiar with.
Things get much less atmospheric and abstract with 'Wild Pack of Family Dogs,' a simple diddy of acoustic guitar and accordian with Isaac musing over it all. It has that charm and simplicity Isaac pulls off so well. And it doesn't feel out of place at all after such a dramatic center part of the album. Just one example of how perfectly this album was constructed.
The last third of the album carries the album home without a single misstep. 'Lives' is the most poignant of them all, with introspective lyrics about how it's difficult to remember that even if we could change ourselves to be anything, we'd probably be disappointed, so just take advantage of the life you have. The bridge gives me chills every time. 'Life Like Weeds' is equally as good and leads to the outstanding and furious album closer, 'What People are Made of.'

Modest Mouse The Moon And Antarctica

  • Title, Artist, Time. 1, Robot, Kaia Huuse, 2:47. 2, Hvem er jeg, Kaia Huuse, 2:11. 3, Dronningen, Kaia Huuse, 2:56. 4, Du er min venn, Kaia Huuse, 2:47.
  • In some ways this review has a foregone conclusion. When Brent DiCrescenzo reviewed The Moon & Antarctica for Pitchfork in 2000.
I have literally only a handful of albums that I would take over The Moon & Antarctica. Not even OK Computer or Loveless top it. It shows a maturity of songwriting and album composition that's extremely rare and difficult to pull off so masterfully. I can't recommend it enough.
If you ever run into someone who has heard the lead track, '3rd Planet', on Modest Mouse's epic The Moon & Antarctica and doesn't like it, please run away. This person is not to be trusted.
For my money, Modest Mouse should be mentioned in the same breath as bands like Nirvana, Pavement... hell even REM. To me they're that good. One of the great indie rock bands that has ever existed and continues to exist. I also tend to think that The Moon and Antarctica is the band's finest moment. I'm as big a Lonesome Crowded West guy as the next person, but in my opinion TM&A bests it. Not by much, but gun to my head...
Isaac Brock is one of indie rock's ballsiest guys - or at least it seems that way. Few indie frontmen are aggressive as Brock. It's as if he's reaching through the speaker, grabbing you by the neck and shaking the shit out of you. It's a very punk rock delivery in a lot of ways and a far cry from the usual twee and shy man children that tend to front indie bands. He can be a bit scary, but it's the very visceral reaction Modest Mouse go for that makes them so appealing to me.Modest Mouse The Moon Antarctica Rar
The Moon & Antarctica is not a pop record (and the irony that this is the same bands who would later pen one of the most 'uplifting' pop songs of the aughts is not lost on me), not by a long shot. It's frayed rock ' n roll from the perspective of a man, seemingly, on the verge of madness. That his madness feels anything but staged makes Modest Mouse just feel real. Unlike someone like Marilyn Manson (such an old example, I've just dated myself) whose anger feels manufactured by focus groups and the slabbing on of tons of make-up. Brock announces, right off the bat, '[that] it took a lot of work to be the ass I am and I'm pretty damn sure that anyone can equally, easily fuck you over.' Now, whether or not this is a persona is a moot point because of how committed Brock is to it through the whole record.Modest mouse the moon and antarctica wallpaper
There are a lot of great songs on The Moon & Antarctica, but the one that I think sums the record up the best is 'Wild Pack of Family Dogs' a one minute forty five second ditty which, on the surface, is the most pleasant track on the record - a sing along if you will about these titular dogs eating his little sister and his mother 'crying bloodlust now', but ultimately ends with the dogs dying. So, full circle you know? It's the most compelling minute and forty five seconds in rock 'n roll this decade and the record as a whole is certainly one of the most compelling, not just of the decade, but in the history of indie rock.